Beef Alba Style
Rocket’s mustardy, slightly bitter flavour livens up many salads and other foods which might otherwise be bland. Rocket is an essential accompaniment to carpaccio, the famous raw beef dish which originated in the legendary Harry’s Bar in Venice. Carpaccio is also eaten a lot in Alba in Piedmont where, with a topping of thinly sliced truffles, the dish is known as meat all’albese, ‘Alba style’. In the absence of truffle, you can use slivers of Parmesan as here, and a few drops of truffle
Serves 4
Carne all’Albese
- A good bunch of fresh rocket
- 500g (18 oz) very lean fillet of beef in the piece
- 4 tbsp good olive oil
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 55g (2 oz) Parmesan cheese in the piece
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Wash and drain the rocket leaves. Cut the beef into 12 very thin slices. Put each slice of beef between two pieces of clingfilm, and beat them even thinner with a meat bat or wooden mallet, taking care not to tear them.
- Cover each of four large plates with three of the beef slices. Spread over these evenly a quarter of each of the olive oil and lemon juice, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cut very thin slices of Parmesan and distribute them between the plates. Top generously with the rocket, and serve with a good country bread.